……………………………….🪩 SCULPTING CLASS 🪩……………………………

……..Calling all people who wish to have some fun with their inner artist………

+ super fun 

+ getting messy may be required

+ no experience necessary - entry level to learn a lot

+ all materials provided 

+ all materials are natural 

+ located in my studio in La Cruz close to the traffic light 

+ 3 hours plus 1 hour for the follow up touches

+ 1800 pesos or bring a friend 1500 pesos each

+ dm me to book a time that works for you and/or a friend

+ children over 10 are  welcome

+ you will go home with your own work of art 

+ live your ‘15 minutes of fame’! there will be a student exhibition at the art gallery in La Cruz for anyone student who would like to show off their art. Why not?!

ChaCh Chapin